:run-setup → # |
test-mixin | A test suite |
current-method | Accessors:current-method. |
current-step | Initform:created; Accessors:current-step. |
current-values | Accessors:current-values. |
done-dynamics? | Reader:done-dynamics?. |
done-setup? | Reader:done-setup?. |
expected-error-p | Initargs::expected-error-p; Reader:expected-error-p. |
expected-failure-p | Initargs::expected-failure-p; Reader:expected-failure-p. |
expected-problem-p | Initargs::expected-problem-p; Reader:expected-problem-p. |
log-file | Initargs::log-file; Reader:log-file. |
maximum-time | Initform:*test-maximum-time*, Initargs::maximum-time; Accessors:maximum-time. |
name | Initargs::name; Accessors:name; Additional Reader:testsuite-name. |
profile | Accessors:profile. |
prototypes | Initform:(list (list)); Accessors:prototypes. |
prototypes-initialized? | Reader:prototypes-initialized?. |
run-setup | Initargs::run-setup; Reader:run-setup. |
save-equality-test | Reader:save-equality-test. |
suite-initargs | Accessors:suite-initargs. |
test-data | Accessors:test-data. |
test-slot-names | Initargs::test-slot-names; Reader:test-slot-names. |
do-testing |
do-testing-in-environment | |
end-test | |
equality-test | |
find-test-case | |
initialize-prototypes | Creates lists of all prototype sets. |
initialize-test | |
lift-test | |
make-single-prototype | |
more-prototypes-p | Returns true if another prototype set exists for the case. |
next-prototype | Ensures that the test environment has the values of the next prototype set. |
random-instance-for-suite | |
run-test-internal | |
run-tests-internal | |
setup-test | Setup for a test-case. By default it does nothing. |
start-test | |
teardown-test | Tear-down a test-case. By default it does nothing. |
test-report-code | |
testsuite-expects-error | Returns whether or not the testsuite as a whole expects an error. |
testsuite-expects-failure | Returns whether or not the testsuite as a whole expects to fail. |
testsuite-methods | Returns a list of the test methods defined for test. I.e., |
testsuite-run | Run the cases in this suite and it's children. |
testsuite-setup | Setup at the testsuite-level |
testsuite-teardown | Cleanup at the testsuite level. |