ensure-cases-failure | |
ensure-expected-condition | |
ensure-expected-no-warning-condition | |
ensure-failed-error | |
ensure-not-same | |
ensure-null-failed-error | |
ensure-random-cases-failure | |
lift-compile-error | |
source/target-file-error | General condition for file errors that have a source and target. |
source/target-source-does-not-exist-error | This error is signaled when the source file does not exist. |
source/target-target-already-exists-error | This error is signaled when the target pathname already exists. |
test-case-not-defined | |
test-condition | |
test-timeout-condition | |
testsuite-not-defined | |
timeout-error | |
unexpected-success-failure |
*additional-markers* | |
*automatic-slot-accessors?* | |
*automatic-slot-initargs?* | |
*benchmark-log-path* | |
*clos-slot-options* | |
*code-blocks* | |
*count-calls-p* | |
*current-asdf-system-name* | |
*current-configuration-stream* | |
*current-definition* | An associative-container which saves interesting information about |
*current-test* | The current testsuite. |
*current-test-case-name* | |
*current-testsuite-name* | |
*deftest-clauses* | |
*html-meta* | |
*lift-debug-output* | Messages from LIFT will be sent to this stream. It can set to nil or |
*lift-dribble-pathname* | If bound, then test output from run-tests will be sent to this file in |
*lift-equality-test* | The function used in ensure-same to test if two things are equal. If metatilities is loaded, then... |
*lift-if-dribble-exists* | Specifies what to do to any existing file at lift-dribble-pathname. It |
*lift-report-detail-hook* | |
*lift-report-footer-hook* | |
*lift-report-header-hook* | |
*lift-report-pathname* | If bound to a pathname or stream, then a summary of test information will |
*lift-standard-output* | Output from tests will be sent to this stream. If can set to nil or |
*lift-tests-to-skip* | A lift of test-suites and (testsuite test-case) pairs that LIFT will ignore |
*make-testsuite-arguments* | |
*profile-extra* | |
*profiling-threshold* | |
*report-environment* | Used internally by LIFT reports. |
*stream-buffer-size* | |
*test-break-on-errors?* | |
*test-break-on-failures?* | |
*test-describe-if-not-successful?* | If true, then a complete test description is printed when there are any test warnings or failures... |
*test-do-children?* | |
*test-environment* | |
*test-evaluate-when-defined?* | |
*test-ignore-warnings?* | If true, LIFT will not cause a test to fail if a warning occurs while |
*test-is-being-compiled?* | |
*test-is-being-defined?* | |
*test-is-being-executed?* | |
*test-is-being-loaded?* | |
*test-maximum-time* | Maximum number of seconds a process test is allowed to run before we give up. |
*test-metadata* | A place for LIFT to put stuff. |
*test-notepad* | Another place to put things (see ). |
*test-print-length* | The print-length in effect when LIFT prints test results. It works exactly like |
*test-print-level* | The print-level in effect when LIFT prints test results. It works exactly like |
*test-print-test-case-names* | If true, LIFT will print the name of each test-case before it runs. See also: *test-print-testsui... |
*test-print-testsuite-names* | If true, LIFT will print the name of each test suite to debug-io before it begins to run the su... |
*test-print-when-defined?* | |
*test-result* | Set to the most recent test result by calls to run-test or run-tests. |
*test-scratchpad* | A place to put things. This is set to nil before every test. |
*test-show-code-p* | |
*test-show-details-p* | |
*test-show-expected-p* | |
*testsuite-test-count* | Temporary variable used to 'communicate' between deftestsuite and addtest. |
+a-double-float+ | |
+a-single-float+ | |
+a-symbol+ | |
+an-integer+ | |
+lift-confused-about-arguments+ | |
+lift-could-not-find-test+ | |
+lift-no-current-test-class+ | |
+lift-test-class-not-found+ | |
+lift-test-name-not-supplied-with-test-class+ | |
+lift-unable-to-parse-test-name-and-class+ | |
+run-tests-null-test-case+ |
addtest | Adds a single new test-case to the most recently defined testsuite. |
append-to-report | |
defclass-property | Create getter and setter methods for 'property' on symbol's property lists. |
defrandom-instance | |
deftest | The |
deftestsuite |
ensure | If ensure's |
ensure-cases | |
ensure-condition | This macro is used to make sure that body really does produce condition. |
ensure-different | Ensure-different compares value-or-values-1 value-or-values-2 or each value of value-or-values-1 ... |
ensure-error | Ensure-error evaluates its body. If the body does not signal an |
ensure-no-warning | This macro is used to make sure that body produces no warning. |
ensure-null | If ensure-null's |
ensure-random-cases | |
ensure-random-cases+ | |
ensure-same | Ensure same compares value-or-values-1 value-or-values-2 or each value of value-or-values-1 value... |
ensure-warning | Ensure-warning evaluates its body. If the body does not signal a |
measure | |
measure-conses | |
measure-time | |
measure-time-and-conses | |
while-counting-repetitions | Returns the count of the number of times |
with-measuring | |
with-profile-report | |
with-test-slots | |
with-timeout |